Mariam VTC Affiliate System, This partnership is designed to strengthen the relationship between VTCs and TruckersMp in order to create a strong network of cooperation. Below are the requirements, benefits and rules to partner with us the basic details of the partnership.

  • Requirements to become a Partner with Mariam VTC:

    -You must share all your information with us in a transparent manner.

    -You must not have any relationship with the VTCs on our Blacklist.

    -You must have been established at least 6 months ago and have hosted at least 2 special events.

    -You must have rules in your rules to keep your VTC in order and these rules must be followed.

    -You must have at least one active verification by TruckersMP and your VTC must not have been must not have experienced any problems.

    -Your VTC must have at least 50 active drivers.

  • Benefits of partnering with Mariam VTC

    -You will have slot priority at all our events

    -Our drivers will always give full support to the events you organize

    -Mariam Media Team will support you according to demand and availability

    -Mariam Event Control team will support you according to demand and availability

    -You will be featured on our partners page on our website

    -We will help you gain visibility by posting important news about the development of your VTC on TruckersMP and our social platforms.

  • Mariam VTC Partner Program Regulations:

    Purpose:This regulation sets out the guidelines and responsibilities of the two VTCs that are partners in TruckersMP.

  • Partner Definition:

    Both VTCs agree to act as partners. They will maintain their separate identities and structures, but will cooperate in activities and events within TruckersMP.

  • Communication:

Designate a representative or communication contact for coordination. Communication will preferably take place via Discord or another agreed platform.

  • Cooperation on convoys:

    Both VTCs may organize and participate in joint convoys. Planning will be done in mutual consultation and will follow TruckersMP rules.

  • Event Support:

    TruckersMP will provide mutual support at events. Participation will be coordinated according to availability and preference.

  • Joint Publicity:

    Promotion of joint events on social media and Discord with the consent of both parties.

  • Conflict Resolution:

    Resolve disputes through good faith communication and negotiation. If agreement cannot be reached, neutral mediators will be sought from within the TruckersMP community.

  • Contract Modifications:

    Any changes will require mutual written consent.

  • Termination of Contract:

    Either VTC may terminate the agreement upon written notice. Upon termination, both VTCs will retain their independence with no continuing obligations. If your VTC is eligible and you are interested in joining our Mariam VTC Partner Program, contact us today! We look forward to working together and strengthening our TruckersMP community - join us on this exciting journey of collaboration and camaraderie!

  • Mariam VTC reserves the right to reject any Partner application!